human resources

How to Build Positive Company Culture

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How to Build Positive Company Culture
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Company culture affects nearly every aspect of a business. Without it, employees will battle to find value in their work and stay motivated and this will filter through to other aspects of your organization. In fact, according to research cited by Forbes, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is important to a business’s success. There is also a notable link between employees who are happy and who say their company has a strong culture. Not convinced? Having a positive company culture is essential for many reasons:

  • Recruitment: a strong company culture is essential if you want to attract top talent
  • Employee loyalty: in addition to attracting top talent, a strong company culture will help you to retain current staff.
  • Job satisfaction: a strong company culture means higher job satisfaction among employees. It is also related to higher productivity rates.
  • Employee morale: employees will naturally feel happier and enjoy their work more when working in a positive environment.

How do you go about creating a positive company culture?

It’s not as difficult as you may think. You just need to know where to begin…

Employee wellness

It’s important to equip employees with the tools and resources as well as on-site healthcare opportunities in order to ensure they live their healthiest lives.

Provide meaning

Now more than ever it is essential to give employees sense of meaning and purpose. This can be done by creating a mission statement and core values that can then be communicated to staff.

Create goals

Nothing brings staff together better than a combined company goal that gives everyone something specific to work towards.

Foster social connections

When it comes to a positive company culture, workplace relationships are vital1 and in order for this to happen, employers and managers need to provide employees with opportunities for social interactions.


According to research, 86% of employees at companies where there is a strong culture feel that senior leaders listen to them. Listen to your employees, be attentive and ensure they feel that they are heard and valued.


An easy way to develop a positive work culture is to create an environment in which employees feel comfortable to take leave. In many workplaces employees are discouraged from doing so by managers concerned about how it will impact productivity but this will only have negative repercussions.

Using an online leave management system

Another concern among employers and managers is managing the leave process. It’s easy to bury your head in the sand rather than have to deal with all the paperwork and all the back and forth involved, especially if you are doing so manually, which is why a good online leave management system is so helpful. It will take care of the entire process while ensuring you are compliant with the BCEA. If you would like to give it a try we can assist. LeavePro is offering a 14-day free trial, all you have to do is signup. You can also book a demo to help you navigate the system.